June 09, 2011 - Lake Powell, Death Valley and Escalante River desert photos have been added.
Remote Desert Images has added images from the Lake Powell, Death Valley and the Escalante River. These new additions are a slice out of Tom's trips over the past year. In Powell's Golden Sun the clouds just seem to be carefully held up in the sky by the sun's rays over Lake Powell. And in Bent Passage it's hard to tell where the water begins as the reflection looks as if it bends the narrow slot between the rocks. The color in Neon Canyon from Tom's trip to the Escalante River will leave you wondering if the term earth-tone really needs to be redefined. And while on that same trip, Tom captured the hole punched in the rocks of Steven's Canyon. And last is Death Valley's Crest where the cooler side of Death Valley is shown as the sun lights up the tops of the mountains, serving as a warning of the heat that's to come for that day.

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